
This extension module defines general purpose routines for starting and stopping SDL as well as various conversion routines uses elsewhere in pygame.

C header: src_c/include/pygame.h

PyObject *pgExc_SDLError

This is pygame.error, the exception type used to raise SDL errors.

int pg_mod_autoinit(const char *modname)

Inits a pygame module, which has the name modname Return 1 on success, 0 on error, with python error set.

void pg_mod_autoquit(const char *modname)

Quits a pygame module, which has the name modname

void pg_RegisterQuit(void (*f)(void))

Register function f as a callback on Pygame termination. Multiple functions can be registered. Functions are called in the reverse order they were registered.

int pg_IntFromObj(PyObject *obj, int *val)

Convert number like object obj to C int and place in argument val. Return 1 on success, else 0. No Python exceptions are raised.

int pg_IntFromObjIndex(PyObject *obj, int index, int *val)

Convert number like object at position i in sequence obj to C int and place in argument val. Return 1 on success, 0 on failure. No Python exceptions are raised.

int pg_TwoIntsFromObj(PyObject *obj, int *val1, int *v2)

Convert the two number like objects in length 2 sequence obj to C int and place in arguments val1 and val2 respectively. Return 1 on success, 0 on failure. No Python exceptions are raised.

int pg_FloatFromObj(PyObject *obj, float *val)

Convert number like object obj to C float and place in argument val. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. No Python exceptions are raised.

int pg_FloatFromObjIndex(PyObject *obj, int index, float *val)

Convert number like object at position i in sequence obj to C float and place in argument val. Return 1 on success, else 0. No Python exceptions are raised.

int pg_TwoFloatsFromObj(PyObject *obj, float *val1, float *val2)

Convert the two number like objects in length 2 sequence obj to C float and place in arguments val1 and val2 respectively. Return 1 on success, else 0. No Python exceptions are raised.

int pg_UintFromObj(PyObject *obj, Uint32 *val)

Convert number like object obj to unsigned 32 bit integer and place in argument val. Return 1 on success, else 0. No Python exceptions are raised.

int pg_UintFromObjIndex(PyObject *obj, int _index, Uint32 *val)

Convert number like object at position i in sequence obj to unsigned 32 bit integer and place in argument val. Return 1 on success, else 0. No Python exceptions are raised.

int pg_RGBAFromObj(PyObject *obj, Uint8 *RGBA)

You probably want to use the pg_RGBAFromObjEx() function instead of this.

Convert the color represented by object obj into a red, green, blue, alpha length 4 C array RGBA. The object must be a length 3 or 4 sequence of numbers having values between 0 and 255 inclusive. For a length 3 sequence an alpha value of 255 is assumed. Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise. No Python exceptions are raised.

type pg_buffer
Py_buffer view

A standard buffer description

PyObject *consumer

The object holding the buffer

pybuffer_releaseproc release_buffer

A buffer release callback.

PyObject *pgExc_BufferError

Python exception type raised for any pg_buffer related errors.

PyObject *pgBuffer_AsArrayInterface(Py_buffer *view_p)

Return a Python array interface object representation of buffer view_p. On failure raise a Python exception and return NULL.

PyObject *pgBuffer_AsArrayStruct(Py_buffer *view_p)

Return a Python array struct object representation of buffer view_p. On failure raise a Python exception and return NULL.

int pgObject_GetBuffer(PyObject *obj, pg_buffer *pg_view_p, int flags)

Request a buffer for object obj. Argument flags are PyBUF options. Return the buffer description in pg_view_p. An object may support the Python buffer interface, the NumPy array interface, or the NumPy array struct interface. Return 0 on success, raise a Python exception and return -1 on failure.

void pgBuffer_Release(Pg_buffer *pg_view_p)

Release the Pygame pg_view_p buffer.

int pgDict_AsBuffer(Pg_buffer *pg_view_p, PyObject *dict, int flags)

Write the array interface dictionary buffer description dict into a Pygame buffer description struct pg_view_p. The flags PyBUF options describe the view type requested. Return 0 on success, or raise a Python exception and return -1 on failure.

void import_pygame_base()

Import the pygame.base module C API into an extension module. On failure raise a Python exception.

SDL_Window *pg_GetDefaultWindow(void)

Return the Pygame default SDL window created by a pygame.display.set_mode() call, or NULL.

void pg_SetDefaultWindow(SDL_Window *win)

Replace the Pygame default window with win. The previous window, if any, is destroyed. Argument win may be NULL. This function is called by pygame.display.set_mode().

pgSurfaceObject *pg_GetDefaultWindowSurface(void)

Return a borrowed reference to the Pygame default window display surface, or NULL if no default window is open.

void pg_SetDefaultWindowSurface(pgSurfaceObject *screen)

Replace the Pygame default display surface with object screen. The previous surface object, if any, is invalidated. Argument screen may be NULL. This functions is called by pygame.display.set_mode().

PyObject *pgObject_getRectHelper(PyObject *rect, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs, PyObject *kwnames, char *type)

Return a rectangle covering the entire object. Rectangle will start at (0, 0) with a width and height the same size as the object. You can pass keyword arguments to be applied to the attributes of the rect before it is returned.

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