pygame module providing common typehints

New in pygame-ce 2.5.2.

A lot of pygame functions and methods allow the user to provide different types for the same value like colors or coordinates. This module exports the most common type aliases for proper typehint annotations.


An object representing a file. This includes both path-like objects and file-like objects, i.e.:

  • "my/string/path.txt"

  • open("my/file/path.txt")

  • pathlib.Path("my/pathlib/path.txt")

  • io.BytesIO(b"my data: \x00\x01")

  • b"my/bytes/path.txt"

  • Any object implementing the path protocol or file protocol.


A variant of the standard Sequence ABC only requiring __getitem__ and __len__. This includes custom sequences or builtin ones, i.e.:

  • "abcdefg"

  • [a, b, c, d, ...]

  • (a, b, c, d, ...)

Being a generic, subscribing it will signal further precision such as SequenceLike[str] or SequenceLike[float].


A sequence of two numbers (floats or ints), i.e:

  • pygame.Vector2(a, b)

  • [a, b]

  • (a, b)


A sequence of strictly two integers such as [a, b] or (a, b).


A tuple of four integers (r, g, b, a) in range 0-255 such as (20, 255, 0, 100).


An object representing a color such as a mapped integer, a string or a sequence of three or four integers in range 0-255, types supported by every function accepting a color argument. i.e.:

  • pygame.Color(ColorLike)

  • (r, g, b)

  • (r, g, b, a)

  • [r, g, b, a]

  • "green"

  • 0 (mapped color)


An object representing a rect such as a sequence of numbers or coordinates or an object with a rect attribute or a method returning a rect. These types are supported by every function accepting a rect as argument. i.e.:

  • (x, y, w, h)

  • (Coordinate, Coordinate)

  • pygame.Rect(RectLike)

  • Any object with a .rect attribute which is a RectLike or a function returning a RectLike

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