Python Module Index

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    pygame._sdl2.controller pygame module to work with controllers
    pygame._sdl2.touch pygame module to work with touch input Experimental pygame module for porting new SDL video systems pygame module for camera use
    pygame.cursors pygame module for cursor resources
    pygame.display pygame module to control the display window and screen
    pygame.draw pygame module for drawing shapes
    pygame.event pygame module for interacting with events and queues
    pygame.examples module of example programs
    pygame.font pygame module for loading and rendering fonts
    pygame.freetype Enhanced pygame module for loading and rendering computer fonts
    pygame.geometry pygame geometry module
    pygame.gfxdraw pygame module for drawing shapes
    pygame.image pygame module for loading and saving images
    pygame.joystick Pygame module for interacting with joysticks, gamepads, and trackballs.
    pygame.key pygame module to work with the keyboard
    pygame.locals pygame constants
    pygame.mask pygame module for image masks.
    pygame.math pygame module for vector classes
    pygame.midi pygame module for interacting with midi input and output.
    pygame.mixer pygame module for loading and playing sounds pygame module for controlling streamed audio
    pygame.mouse pygame module to work with the mouse
    pygame.pixelcopy pygame module for general pixel array copying
    pygame.scrap pygame module for clipboard support.
    pygame.sndarray pygame module for accessing sound sample data
    pygame.sprite pygame module with basic game object classes
    pygame.surfarray pygame module for accessing surface pixel data using array interfaces
    pygame.system pygame module to provide additional context about the system
    pygame.tests Pygame unit test suite package
    pygame.time pygame module for monitoring time
    pygame.transform pygame module to transform surfaces
    pygame.typing pygame module providing common typehints
    pygame.version small module containing version information
pygame the top level pygame package