
This extension module implements SDL surface locking for the pygame.Surfacepygame object for representing images type.

Header file: src_c/include/pygame.h

void pgSurface_Prep(pgSurfaceObject *surfobj)

If surfobj is a subsurface, then lock the parent surface with surfobj the owner of the lock.

void pgSurface_Unprep(pgSurfaceObject *surfobj)

If surfobj is a subsurface, then release its lock on the parent surface.

int pgSurface_Lock(pgSurfaceObject *surfobj)

Lock pygame surface surfobj, with surfobj owning its own lock.

int pgSurface_LockBy(pgSurfaceObject *surfobj, PyObject *lockobj)

Lock pygame surface surfobj with Python object lockobj the owning the lock.

The surface will keep a weak reference to object lockobj, and eventually remove the lock on itself if lockobj is garbage collected. However, it is best if lockobj also keep a reference to the locked surface and call to pgSurface_UnLockBy() when finished with the surface.

int pgSurface_UnLock(pgSurfaceObject *surfobj)

Remove the pygame surface surfobj object's lock on itself.

int pgSurface_UnLockBy(pgSurfaceObject *surfobj, PyObject *lockobj)

Remove the lock on pygame surface surfobj owned by Python object lockobj.

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